Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family:
In the News:
Young at Heart has so much to be grateful for!! Back in 2014 when we first got started, our motto was “As one door closes another door opens.” Here we are 10 years later, and I find myself saying the same thing. As we transition to 2nd Church, I am overwhelmed by how this process has opened the door to meeting so many new people and organizations. These groups have been very welcoming and many are eager to serve!
- One such organization has been Creston Neighborhood Association. They recently featured YAH in their bi-monthly newsletter, announcing our move and celebrating our 501c3. Click the link below to read what they wrote: https://us2.campaign-archive.com/?u=1f0a022fd08b03ab5beb00530&id=7aecc8a9fe
- As many of you have already experienced, 2nd Church (https://2ndchurch.com/) has been very welcoming and accommodating to the wide variety of our Program’s Needs. Here is what they recently wrote in their weekly newsletter:
2nd Church Spotlight!!! Introducing Young At Heart Senior Enrichment Program! This is a fairly new group that has joined the 2nd Church Family! We are thankful for this group with all the wonderful classes such as, Tai Chi, Exercises, cooking classes, Medicare and Open enrollment and much more! Their friendly faces have been a joy to see around the building thus far and most of all they come with DELICIOUS treats! Who is Young At Heart? The Young at Heart Senior Enrichment Program welcomes people who are entering into this new phase in life. We offer opportunities to challenge oneself with new activities or enjoy familiar ones while meeting new friends. We seek new ideas to expound one’s horizons and take time to learn more about relevant topics. We take outings to join others in shared experiences and explore our surroundings. Perhaps with our transformed eyes a familiar event, becomes a new experience. Young at Heart also believes in giving back to the community; we provide opportunities to do service for others and put our faith into action. If this sound like something you would like to be a part of… Please check out the links provided below to connect with their social media page and their website for calendar access and upcoming class details! Join in the fun with Young At Heart! Facebook: www.facebook.com/youngatheartgr Website: youngatheartgr.org/blog WELCOME TO 2ND CHURCH!
Upcoming Events:
- The Belknap-Lookout Neighborhood Association has also been eager to learn more about Young at Heart as we reach out to serve our neighborly residents. Here is a link to their website and recent/upcoming events: https://www.belknaplookout.org/events/
- MSU-Ext has some exciting programs being offered in the last quarter of 2024. There is a self-paced walking program, a couple of evening workshops, and some presentations during the lunch hour. Feel free to forward this email to others you think might be interested. We hope you find one that fits your needs as well as your schedule: https://www.canr.msu.edu/food_health/virtual-health-programs-calendar
- Stop by 2nd Church next week Thursday, September 26 – Friday, September 27 to support their well-respected 2nd Best Sale. You are sure to find a few good deals.

- YAH will be participating in the Fall Craft Sale at 2nd Church on Saturday, October 19. Come visit our crafters and meet our new and familiar neighbors.

- YAH crafters will also be participating in the Fall Craft Sale at St. Isidore’s on Saturday, October 26. We hope to see you at least at one of the events!
- AND of course there is YAH…. Here is the October Calendar of Events as well as the monthly Walking Calendar.

As we get back into the swing of things… Be sure to get in your reservations for the BirthDay Brunch, Cooking Classes, Pizza Lunches, etc.
Watch the Calendar for Presentations on Open Enrollment and all things Medicare; Computer Classes; Tour, Lunch and Winetasting at Robinettes as well as our regular activities such as Trivia, Book Club, Woodcarving, Tai Chi, and Card Ministry.
Hope you are enjoying our last 80 degree days for 2024, as we move into the cooler, beautiful season of Fall.