Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family;
What a successful and exciting start YAH has had! Since our initial start on 9/11/24, we have registered 85 participants!!!! YOU have ALL made YAH a great program. Thank you for hanging with us through this transition!
Senior Neighbors is back on Wednesdays at 10:00, offering a class to help you improve your knowledge of Technology.

On Monday, October 7, Beltone is back for FREE Hearing Tests between 9:00-Noon. We have a few 30 min appointments left if you would like to have your hearing evaluated. Jo, the Medicare Specialist will be here also to answer any questions you may have during Open Enrollment. (Jo is not aligned with Insurance policies.). For fun, we will be serving a Taco Bar, playing Bingo and assembling little wooden cars for a Service Project.

Very soon we will be telling you more about our Community Open House. So far, it is shaping up to be a fun evening of interactive activities, and treats scheduled for Wednesday, October 30 at 3:00-6:00. We are planning to invite Creston and Belknap Businesses, residents, friends and family to experience what YAH is all about. Invite your friends and come to share ideas of what YAH can be as it aims to improve the mental and physical health of those 55+ in our Community.
Don’t forget to sign up for the Fall Outing to Robinette’s Apple Orchard (October 21) for a Tour, Lunch and/or WineTasting!

Looking Forward to a beautiful Fall!