Dear Young at Heart Friends and Family:
It’s been busy at YAH. Here is a fun photo from our Walking Tour with the Ford Museum, highlighting the beautiful and informative Fall day!

Wednesday, October 16, is our monthly BirthDay Brunch. If you see the following people, pass along Birthday wishes: Chit Barker, E. Louise Childs, Jerry Cummings, Theresa Czarnopys, Sue DeBoer, Brenda Duyser, Keith Edwards, Gayle Freiburger, Mary Hammond, Chris Kaiser, Lynne Kloska, Laurie Knott, Judy Kuzma, Ruth Liszewski, Judy Milito, Janice Myers, Jean Peck, Cynthia Robinson, Joan Santa, Sue Taylor, Jan VanderLeest, Kathy VanderSloot, Mary Jo Yowaish, and Jeralyn Keeney.
Please be sure to get in your RSVP for the Tour, Lunch and/or Wine Tasting at Robinette’s Orchard on Monday, October 21. One of our own YAH participants will be conducting the tour!! Remember to turn in your $7.50 to hold your spot on the tour by Friday, October 18.

Elsewhere in the Neighborhood:
Attn: CareTakers!
–Dementia Caregiving Workshop
–Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan has partnered with Help Texts.
Neighborhood Links: Hopefully this is helpful information.
Community Newsletters
–North End Wellness Coalition
–Creston Neighborhood Association
Looking Forward to a beautiful Fall!