Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family;
As we enter this long weekend, we say thank you to the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
This month’s Team Trivia was another close race between 4 teams! Dan keeps it challenging and the teams keep it Fun! Thanks Dan for all the behind-the-scenes work! There are a lot of activities going on here at YAH. So, this week I will share ‘just the facts’ …
- St. Alphonsus and YAH will be CLOSED on Monday, May 27 due to Memorial Day Holiday, as well as Tuesday, May 28 until noon.
- All pickleball classes will start meeting at Belknap Park for their weekly play starting Tuesday, May 28. Please reach out if you have questions or need clarification on where to meet.
- Last Call for the May 29th White Caps Game Tickets… Please be sure to pay Char no later than Friday, May 24. Cost is $10.00. Char: 616-862-6392
- Friday, May 24 is the last day to RSVP for the June 5th Wedding Shower. Contact Patty: 616-447-0642 or Char: 616-862-6392.
- Brennen Kartes from Belltone will be at YAH on Monday, June 10 for FREE Hearing Tests. This is a great time to establish a baseline for your hearing, and monitor any changes. RSVP for a 30 minute time slot between 9:00-1:00.
- Lori Jacobs and John Foley, Long-time Community Theater Performers, will be presenting their new Variety Show “The Last Laugh,” on Monday, May 10 at 1:15. While this is a free event, please RSVP so we can have adequate space. This is sure to be a heart-felt and entertaining show.
- Monday, June 17 at 11:00 YAH will be holding a Father’s Day Cook-out and Baby Shower. Donations will support Strong Beginnings: Strong Dad’s, a local program aimed at supporting and strengthening Fatherhood. Lunch: $5.00
We are looking forward to seeing your smiling faces as we celebrate babies, brides, and baseball together!
God’s Peace,