Journeys and New Starts

Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family;

I hope everyone has been enjoying the sun and blue skies. It sure can do the spirit good! 🌞

❤  JOURNEYS:  This week Wednesday starts the YAH film series on Journeying through life and spiritual awakenings. Everyone’s journey is Oh So Different! We start off with “Frisco Kid” on Wednesday, February 8th; and “News of the World” on Monday, February 20th, with two more movies in March: “Molokai: The Story of Fr. Damien” and “The Long Way Home.”   Come and join us in the cozy atmosphere of the lounge at 12:30-2:30. 

❤  This month many of our Birthday Celebrants are in warmer climates. But, here is the February BirthDay list. We hope to see some of you, your friends and guests at the BirthDay Brunch on February 15th. Be sure to wish them a joyful day! Sue Atkinson, MaryAnn Bergevin, Debbie Bradcoski, Ralph Cooper, Barb Farrey, Lynn Jachim, Jo McGavin, Charles Palazzolo, Diane Ritzke, John Yowaish, and Fr. Bernie Carlin. 

❤  A NEW START:  It has been confirmed! YOGA is here!!! Yoga is an ancient discipline, which incorporates stretching with mindfulness and breathing. The word yoga means “union.” It is a union between the body, mind and spirit. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we changed instructors at the last minute. Pat Pritchard will be our new instructor. Due to her schedule, she will be offering the class on Wednesdays after lunch, at 12:45-1:45, starting March 1st.  She will be offering the class in both floor and chair forms. Please RSVP if you are interested or have any questions so we can find the space best suited for the class size. Call 616.913.4419 or email  

❤  The VITA Tax Program is officially underway. If you would like to have your tax forms completed please contact 211 to set up your appointment. If you wish to volunteer to help with this program, contact Michelle at 616-913-4415.

❤  Another NEW START… Keep your eyes open for another fun option coming in April… Line Dancing!!! More on that later… 😉

Looking forward to a milder week!

God Bless you all,


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