Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family;
As I write this email, the Eagles and Chiefs are engaged in a 57-year American Tradition. It is fun to reflect on “what is “Tradition” when year after year there is always something new added/changed to the Tradition?? The Super Bowl is filled with traditions, within the Tradition. That alone, is an American Tradition. LOL… Another wonderful American Tradition is Valentine’s Day. Best Wishes for all to have a day of love and joy!
Attached is a flyer announcing the beginning of YOGA
. We are excited to have Pat Pritchard leading this class. Please note, this class will be starting Wednesday, March 8th at 12:45-1:45, NOT March 1st, as I cited earlier. The benefits of yoga are many. Yoga is known to strengthen the muscles in your core, back arms and legs; increase flexibility, reduce fatigue as it increases energy and cortisol levels; promote relaxation and healthy breathing; improve circulation; reduce chances of falling and other injuries; and helps to manage stress, and stress-related side effects, including improved concentration. Yoga is gentle for those experiencing arthritis and may reduce joint inflammation. Join your friends for this wonderful opportunity!
Attached is also a flyer for an upcoming Fun Day with St. Alphonsus Friends and Family and the Grand Rapids Gold Basketball Team
. The game is Sunday, February 26th at 3:00. Cost is $10.00. All ages are welcome. See the flyer for more details.
Lastly, the Kent County Senior Mileage has provided funding to Senior Neighbors to offer Technology Literacy Workshops. Young at Heart is fortunate to be one of the sites Senior Neighbors will be offering the workshops. We are hoping to offer these classes starting in March. Attached is a flyer describing the upcoming workshops. We will keep you posted on the actual start date of this seven-week service.
Enjoy the February Warm-up and sunshine and a loving Valentines day!!!
Virginia Scholten