Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family;
Survey Time: Many of you are familiar with the yearly survey YAH asks each participant to complete. Normally this survey is done in the Fall. However, with the KC Senior Millage contract ending this month, Area Agency on Aging has asked us to do a closing survey, and write a final report. (This survey does not ask you to identify yourself.) So, we will be asking you to complete the survey to assist us in writing our report. In case I do not catch up with you at the Center, Here is a copy that you can download and complete on your own and email back, or drop off at St. Al’s office or YAH.
Just to help clarify some confusion, albeit some confusion will still remain for a bit, St. Alphonsus is in the process of deciding which programs will continue in July, under the guidance of their staff. The YAH Steering Committee is working with several other individuals to offer Senior Programming in a neighboring location, and secure a 501c3 (Non Profit Status). Once the new location is established, we will begin programming and move toward fundraising efforts. We hope to re-establish our wonderful relationship with the KC Senior Millage as quickly as possible. Please accept YAH apologies for the confusion this transitional state has caused. We will keep you informed the best we can. This email will continue weekly.
…In the meantime, no two days are the same. So, come join us as we celebrate each day together, enjoying life and laughing together….
- This month we will be celebrating several June Birthdays. If you see any of the following, please wish them good health and a joyful Birthday: Linda Borchers, June Bouffard, Charla Fejedelem, Irene Francowicz, Mariann Gonsior, Nina Gorak, Christine Heeringa, Larissa Holmes, Jamie Martisius, Carol McDonnell, Susan Mead, Frank Minervini, Carole Nugent, Linda Ortman, Joni Otto, Dawn Powers, Jean Silbar, Darlene Truskowski, Maggie Vugteveen, and Barb Weaver.
- Come celebrate with your friends on Wednesday, June 19 at 9:30. RSVP. Menu: Egg, Cheese and Meat Casserole, Fruit and Pastries. Cost $5.00.
- Monday, June 10 is the last Cooking Class by the Ginger Chef. Although we do hope to bring her back in the near future… This month’s menu is “All Things Strawberry.” To help Jenn plan the food accordingly, be sure to get your RSVP in ASAP. Cost is $5.00.
- Lori Jacobs and John Foley will be here also on Monday June 10 at 1:15 to perform their new Variety Show, “The Last Laugh with Jacob and Foley.” Both Jacobs and Foley are tremendous Community Theater Performers. This is sure to be a fun time. While this is a free event, help us to plan accordingly by sending in your RSVP as soon as possible.
- Father’s Day Baby Shower and Cook-out is Monday June 17. Games start at 11:00. Bring a donation for the babies. Lunch cost: $5.00.
- Plant Exchange on Wednesday, June 19 9:30-Noon.
- Young at Heart 10 Year Anniversary Party, Monday June 24. We will be celebrating with games, slide shows, Pizza, Vegetable Lasagna, Salad, and an Ice Cream Social. Come celebrate with new and old friends as we remember good times and celebrate the past, present and future!! We are asking for a $5.00 donation for lunch, but no one will be turned away. Please RSVP for planning purposes!