Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family;
I hope everyone had a Blessed Easter and continue to enjoy the Spirit of the Easter Season! (I also hope everyone experienced the eclipse safely earlier this week.)
- Our April BirthDay Brunch is just around the corner on April 17. Here are the BirthDay Celebrants. In the spirit of friendship, come celebrate together! Please get your RSVP’s in soon! Pat Arnold, Alma Bouwens, Denise Bowman, Norma Cervante, Mary Jane Coronado, Kim Cruickshank, Jodi Deschaine, George Doyle, Mary Emerson, Mary Feutz, Candace Gavin, Kay Geerling, Mary Kirvan, Jeanine LaVille, Donna Matlak, Linda Nugent, Larry Oberst, Mary Reed, Debbie Roper, Marian Shuker, Mary Jo Smith, Barb Steffens, Mary Lou Wodecki, and Mary Wysocki.
- On Monday, April 22 at 12:45-2:00, we will be hosting Kyle Schippa for a Trivia Travelogue about Michigan. Come join the challenge of playing trivia, or just come to enjoy the travelogue. Kyle is sure to share his knowledge with a fun spirit and beautiful photos as he shares his love of photography and the Mitten State with us.
- Calling all Euchre Players…. The games begin on Wednesday, April 24 at 12:45. Experience preferred. If you want lessons or a refresher, let us know. Char will help you out so you can join the fun.
- Monday, April 29 we will be ordering the lunch entree from Cousin’s Fish and Chicken. Be sure to get your reservation in soon, and let us know if you want fish or chicken. Sides will be salads and dessert. Cost for lunch is $5.00. Lunch will be followed by the movie “Tolkien.” This movie tells the story of JRR Tolkien, his Faith, and his inspiration for the Lord of The Rings Trilogy.
- YAH will also have a booth at the upcoming Creston Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, May 11, 10:00-12:00. News from The Creston Neighborhood Association stated: ” We will have Spencer Street closed between Lafayette & Plainfield for our community booths and kids activities. We are also offering FREE PANCAKES to all attendees, not just CNA members this year.” Come join the fun, and stop by the booths to support all the great neighborhood services.
Looking forward to a bright and cheery Spring, lifting each others’ Spirits,

Mary Ellen Novakoski and Chris Kaiser, who recently represented St. Alphonsus Young at Heart Program at Creston Plaza, reaching out to our neighbors, at a Community Connections Health Fair.