Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family;
YAH would like to take time to offer an April Shower of Thanks to those behind-the-scenes participants who help Young at Heart reach beyond the boundaries of the program. ThAnK YoU to….
- the participants who make the monthly BirthDay Cards, and take the time to send out the monthly BirthDay invitations.
- Deb Anderson, who puts the monthly BirthDay Bags together to help make the day even more special for the Celebrants.
- the dedicated participants who make, and prepare the cards YAH sends to the Homebound several times through-out the year.
- the crafty participants who prepare and make the beautiful gifts placed in the Welcome Baskets made for St. Alphonsus members.
- those who wrapped napkins around the service ware for the famous St. Alphonsus Fish Frys.
Young at Heart would not be the same without you!
The April Activities Calendar was just released. Check out the link to find the April Calendar, as well as the April Walking Calendar. Starting in April, we will start walking some of the natural trails at local parks. Check out the calendar. Please RSVP so we are sure to connect at the park!
A photo of some of the pre-glazed bowls that were painted for God’s Kitchen. What a fun and creative time!

What a fun Spring we will have, regardless of the weather! Thanks to our wonderful Volunteers who help bring amazing classes and activities!
God’s Blessings!
Upcoming Events

Please RSVP. Questions? Contact YAH or Chit Barker: 822-5965 or chitbarkerretired@gmail.com.