Love and Lent

Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family;

In many Christian traditions Lent is a time to pray, fast and give alms as a part of our journey to draw closer to God, our Creator. Lent begins next week Wednesday, February 14. Here at YAH, some of our programming will be intended to help enrich our personal journey. 

1) On February 14th we will be hosting Paula Creswell and possibly a few other guests to share with us the ministry of Cards for Prisoners. They will reflect on how their lives have been touched through their own participation in this program, and how they have been blessed to touch the lives of others less fortunate. We will be given an opportunity to also share in this ministry if we choose. 

2) In March, YAH will be offering 3 dates in which participants can paint a bowl/plate/ or mug to help raise money for those in need through God’s Kitchen. If you wish to donate your artwork to the Soups On! fundraiser, the cost to participate is $8.00. If you wish to keep your creation, the cost is $10. If you wish to keep one and paint another, the cost is $15. The proceeds help to support those who are otherwise hungry and have difficulty accessing food. 

3) In March-April, we will be offering three opportunities to watch inspirational movies of well-known individuals who have had their faith tested, and the impact their journeys have had on the world. Hopefully we can be moved to a deeper faith through their stories.

4) Our technology classes are ongoing – check out the flyer for more information!

Please watch the upcoming calendars, email blogs, and flyers for the dates and times for these various events. 

In the meantime, February 14, is also Valentines Day. So, let us not forget our loved and cherished relationships. Hopefully we can all find a way to bring a little hope, love and good cheer to the world around us. 

God’s Peace,
