November Winds Bring in some Changes!

Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family;

While the November winds blew outside, inside the Center, we learned a lot about Civil War Reenactments from Dan and Carl. These two gentlemen have rich ties to the Era, and embrace this fascinating history, making for an interesting presentation!! 

  image.png   There will be NO exercise class next Monday, November 13th.
image.png  Mary Kaiser has been receiving a fair amount of interest in Standing Tai Chi. So, starting next Monday, November 13th, she will start offering Standing Tai Chi classes on both Monday and Wednesdays starting at 11:45. This will be immediately following the Chair Tai Chi. Cost is $3.00. See the attached flyer for more information. Build your core strength and don’t let the winter winds knock you over!
  image.png The Schubert Male Chorus will be presenting a “Timeless Christmas” on Saturday, December 16th at 7:30pm. This year they will be performing at Calvin Fine Arts Recital Hall. Parking is much more convenient! Cost is $20.00 in advance, $22.00 at the door. If YAH sells 20 tickets, we will receive half the proceeds from the sale of the tickets. It’s a win-win for everyone! You get to see a seasonal, fun concert, while supporting both the Schubert Male Chorus and Young at Heart!  Tickets are available through YAH or at the Church Office. Stay tuned for an informational flyer with next week’s email. 
image.png     Please be sure to sign up for the YAH Thanksgiving Lunch and Trino, the Magician. Due to some changes in the restaurant industries, YAH will NOT be getting our turkey and mashed potatoes from Russ’ as previously indicated. Jennifer, the Ginger Chef, will be preparing our Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy. Since we all love her Cooking Classes, I am sure we will thoroughly enjoy her turkey and mashed taters. Plus, we get to enjoy the lovely smells on campus! Cost is $5.00 for Lunch and $5.00 for Trino the Magician.

God Bless you during this time of seasonal changes,

616-451-3043 ext 419

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”   – JFK (John F Kennedy)