Fall Presentations Already!!

Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family;

We are starting our Fall Presentations and Outings early this year! On Monday, August 21st at 12:30, Dan Penny will be joining our picnic at Mary Waters for a presentation on the Civil War, and his hobby as a Civil War Re-enactor. In case of inclement weather, we will hold lunch and the presentation at St. Alphonsus Parish Center. We will be collecting a Freewill Donation to support this group.

On Wednesday, August 30th at 12:30, Brian DeVries from the Plainfield-Grand Rogue Historical Society will be presenting on the history of Plainfield Township- past to present, and answer any of your questions the best he can. We will be collecting a Free Will Donation to support the Museum on West River Drive.

We have only 3 open spots left for our trip to Turkeyville for lunch and the play “Forever Plaid.” This is a fun musical about a pop quartet that performs from the afterlife, after tragedy strikes.  The performance features harmonies, similar to today’s Barber Shop Quartets and A Cappella groups. Sure to be a fun time!! First ones to get their money in, are given the seats. Event is scheduled for Thursday, September 14th. Carpool will be leaving St. Alphonsus at 10:00 AM. Cost: $60.00, although if we sell all the tickets, the price will drop to $50.00. ($5.00 will be collected for the driver.) See the attached flyer for more information. 

Lastly, we had someone offering to pass along a stamp collection that features stamps from the WWII era. If you are interested, please let me know. 

Attached is the September Calendar. Please note that while the calendar states tickets for Turkeyville are sold out, as of this moment we have 3 left. Also attached is the September Walking Club Schedule.

Next week I will pass along a flyer featuring our list of presentations and outings for September and October. We have TONS of Fun in store and lots of fascinating information about MIchigan!!! 

We will be closed Monday, September 4th.

Enjoy all things beautiful as we continue to be fortunate, and get healthy rain and sunshine!

