Hot Stuff Comin

Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family;

I want to apologize to those of you who did not receive last week’s email. I was on vacation in the hills of Vermont, and I don’t know exactly what happened. Between time going fast, poor connectivity, and an aging mind, I will just apologize and not waste my limited resource (my aging brain, that is), on trying to figure it out. 😉

I am hearing great reviews about last week’s presentation by the Alzheimer’s Association, and the outing to the Sistine Chapel exhibit. The great news of the week is that the Kent County Senior Millage passed. Thanks to those of you who went out to vote. These tax dollars provide a wide variety of services for people 60+ in all corners of Kent County. 

If you posted a “Vote YES for the Senior Millage” sign in your yard, please return the sign to the Parish Center. The Area Agency on Aging is requesting to have the sign back. I will return them next week Wednesday, August 17th.  Thank You! 

*** Just a heads up for our exercisers… Colleen will be on vacation next week, August 14 – August 21. Classes will resume Monday, August 22nd at 9:30. ***

Next week Wednesday, August 17th is our August Birthday Brunch. Here is the list of our Birthday Celebrants: Conni Baar, Madeleine Barrette, Betty Crawley, David Cross, Sandy Duba, Teri Foley, Katie Green, Bernice Grypma, Liz Kohlenberger, Br. Andy Patin, Patty Rivard, Mary Jane Storey, Dorothy Verburg, and Arlene Warwick. Join us in wishing them many Birthdays to come. 

This month’s BirthDay Celebration will include socializing at 10:30, brunch at 11:00, and a presentation by Morgan Zielke from Kent County Action Senior Services at 11:30. Cost for non-birthday celebrants is $5.00. RSVP for the brunch. There is no cost for the presentation.

Join us on Monday, August 15th at 12:30 in Welcoming Gregg Hampshire, Executive Director of the Creston Neighborhood Association. A former employee of GR Urban league, and a resident of Creston Neighborhood, Gregg has many hopes and ideas for making Creston Neighborhood a thriving Community for all ages. Come listen and share your hopes and ideas too. Senior Meals will be providing lunch (Oven-Roasted Chicken, Baked Potato, Tossed Salad and Dessert) at Noon. Cost for lunch is $5.00. Please RSVP for lunch. There is no cost for the Presentation. 

Starting in September, Nate from the VanBelkum- Creston Branch of the Grand Rapids Public Library will be offering Drop in Sessions focused on any questions you may have regarding Technology. Do you want to know more about your Smart Watch? Learn more about how to download books or music on your IPad/ IPod? Manage a Facebook Account? Let us know your questions and we will set up a time for you to meet with Nate. 

Next week’s Technology Class on Monday, August 15th at 2:00,  will look at “How to Care for your Devices.”  No RSVP required for this class. 

Hope you all have a great week. Stay hydrated and take care of yourself in the heat!




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