A Beautiful Spring

Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family,  
🚶I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful Spring weather!  I have attached the June schedule for our Walking Club.  I hope you can join us for at least one of the walks!

🏏 Due to a cancellation, we have an extra ticket to the White Caps game, tomorrow, Wednesday, May 25th. Please email or call 616.913.4419 if you are available and interested!
🌷🌷 We had a picture-perfect, glorious day amongst the tulips last week! I will let the attached pictures speak for themselves! 
🍳 I have also attached an updated June Calendar. The Senior Meals have been updated. Also note, the May session of the Cooking Class has been rescheduled as Jenn’s son arrived earlier than expected. The new date is Wednesday, June 22nd at 11:00.
🍼 We were blessed by a visit from Baby Ian and Jenn, the Ginger Chef, yesterday. What a sweetie!!!  Jenn also received gifts from the Young at Heart. She indicated Ian will love the soft, homemade baby items!

Also attached is a flyer regarding the upcoming Part 1 of 3 presentations by the Alzheimer’s Association: “Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s and Dementia.”  Catch us Monday, June 6th at 12:30. Lunch (Tuna Pasta Salad, with fresh fruit, bread and dessert), is $5.00, and will be served at 12:00. RSVP for lunch. 

This weekend we remember those who gave their lives fighting for our country, as well as all our Loved Ones. Take a moment to say, “Thank You!”  Have a safe and relaxing holiday weekend!

Prayers that you all have a safe and celebratory extended weekend!  Hope to see you all soon.




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