May Celebrations

HaPpY  Mother’s Day, to all who have loved and nurtured a child. 
While I am officially on vacation this week, the Young at Heart continue to step up to the plate and keep everything going.  Thank You!!! 
🎂🎂This is the Month of Mothers, but we also have a great group of Birthdays. If you see any of our Birthday Celebrants, be sure to wish them a Blessed Birthday, and think about joining them for the BirthDay Brunch on Wednesday, May 18th at 9:30. Cost is $5.00. Please RSVP by Monday, May 16th.  Here’s the Birthday list: Sylvia Alighire, Chuck Bergman, Tery DeBoer, Laurie Dopke, Wayne Mead, Dave Pietrowicz, Adrienne Polega, James Quigg, Mary Ramierez, Marie Russell, Kathy Scanlon, Theresa Taylor, Dan Taylor, Jim Steffens, and Nadine Zarzecki. 
🍳🍳 The Creston Neighborhood Association is holding a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th. This year it will be held at the VanderJagt Mansion in Plainfield Ave. The Young at Heart will be hosting an informational booth. Come say “Hi,” have some pancakes, meet our neighbors, and take a tour of the home. See the attached link for more information. PancakeBreakfast – Creston Neighborhood Association (  Due to YAH’s participation in this event, the walking club for that day will be cancelled. Feel free to walk the Creston Neighborhood after your breakfast and tour. 
🌷🌷The Top-Down Tulip Tour has reached capacity! If you would like to join us for the day, and be put on a cancellation list for the tour, let us know. Boxed lunch orders must be booked through YAH. RSVP’s and lunch orders must be completed by this week Friday, May 13th. The tulips are in their prime. Let’s hope the heat wave keeps them looking nice for next week. 
🎶🎼  Lastly, our own Chris Kaiser will be performing in the Schubert Male Chorus Spring Concert, also on Saturday, May 14th at 7:30pm. Cost is $20.00 in advance. See the attached flyer for more information. If YAH sells 20 tickets, half the proceeds come back to YAH. Have a picnic dinner at Collins Park, or an East GR restaurant, then onto the concert. This event is often a relaxing way to enjoy a night out. 

Come join in these May Celebrations, meet some old friends and make some new ones.

In Celebration of Spring and all Life!!!



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