Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family,
While we may have ‘lost’ an hour, we gained some Spring weather. I will take it! I eagerly await Spring Flowers! My snowdrops have begun to bloom! Yippee!! I hope to also start seeing some of our friends that have been ‘hibernating’ from the cold and/or COVID.
What a DEEE-LICIOUS and educational Cooking Class we had today! I am now ready to serve Salmon, Shrimp and scallops! Just don’t ask me to serve it warm all at the same time!! Next month’s cooking class, on April 11th will focus on a VEGAN menu: Portobello Mushroom Steaks, Red Lentil Chili with Sweet Potatoes, and Spaghetti Squash Taco Casserole, served with a dessert. Cost: $5.00. RSVP by Friday, April 8th. Call in your RSVP early as class will be limited to 24 participants.
Next week Monday, March 21st starts our two-part Poverty Simulation. Michelle Hatfield will lead this interactive course with real-life scenarios, a challenging game, and lively discussion. These activities will focus on the various factors that influence poverty, create a struggle for pulling oneself out of poverty and what St. Alphonsus is doing to help reduce the challenges faced by those that struggle with poverty. Become aware, informed and a part of the solution!!
Then there’s Euchre!!! Join us Wednesday, March 23rd at 1:00 for a light-hearted afternoon of laughs. No one’s a loser when you have this much fun!
Last but not least is the Technology class! April will focus on diving, or surfing, into the world of the Internet, safely. Learn how to stream music, movies, tv shows; learn about different browsers, how to ‘bookmark your favorites’, and explore various websites of interest, safely! Contact Jenn at technology@youngatheartgr.org for questions or to reserve a drop-in spot.
We hope all are well, and that we will see you soon, as we meet new friends each week!
Spring Blessings!
Virginia Scholten