March Gladness

Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family,

What a fun time we had at the March BirthDay Brunch last week!  We had a surprise guest, who got a few of us up and doing a line dance, while others enjoyed watching. April’s BirthDay Brunch is sounding like it might be equally as fun… can we make it more fun???   The challenge is on…

The Hearing Tests this week went well. The next scheduled date is Monday, June 27th from 9:00-1:00. RSVP is required to claim your half-hour time slot. RSVP at or call 913-4419. 

Unfortunately, Michele Hatfield had to cancel her Poverty Simulation this week. She will plan to combine the two-part presentation for Monday, March 28th at 1:00-2:30. We will be serving a Pizza lunch, with salad and dessert at 12:15. Cost is $5.00.  Please RSVP for lunch. 

Attached is the April calendar. Please note we have a Lenten Prayer Service as well as a few movies and a great book for the Book Club discussion, to enrichen your Lenten experience. Please join us as Spring has now officially started, and we all await the beginning of all things made new… 

God’s Joy and Gladness to you,



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