HaPpYNeW YeAr !!!
Young at Heart has Good News for 2022 !!! Come and Join us!! We are asking that you RSVP for all of the following events so we can plan a safe and healthy environment during the coming months. Young at Heart will have a January Special. We will be offering opportunities for participants to come watch three of the Calvin College January Series together at the Parish Center. You are welcome to bring a brown bag lunch and join us at 12:30-1:30 on Tuesdays, January 18 and 25th and Wednesday, January 26th.
- Tuesday, January 18: Max Stossel, “We’ve Been Sneaking into Your Brain: The True Impact of Social Media.” RSVP
- Tuesday, January 25: Simply Three, a unique string trio creating electrifying music. RSVP
- Wednesday, January 26: Col. Nicole Malachowski, “Harnessing Headwinds of Change.” An inspirational 21-yr Veteran USAF pilot who has faced many life changing challenges, and broken many barriers. RSVP
Starting in 2022 Young at Heart will be celebrating the birthdates of our wonderful participants each month. The BirthDay Brunches will be taking place on the third Wednesday of each month. If it is your birthday month, you will receive an invitation for you and one of your guests. You will be invited to the 9:00 Mass that morning for a special Birthday Blessing. At 9:30 the brunch and festivities will begin in the Parish Center, until 11:00. Birthday Attendees and their one guest is FREE. Anyone else who wishes to join in the celebration is welcome to attend. Cost of brunch for non-birthday participants is $5.00. We ask that Birthday and non-Birthday participants RSVP by the Monday prior.
(For January Birthdays, the celebration is Wednesday, January 19th. Please RSVP by Monday, January 17th. The menu is mini quiche, fruit cup and mini danish.) Come join us as we celebrate the life of our friends and family!!!
YAH has been awarded money from Kent County Senior Millage, managed through the Area Agency on Aging to help support a stipend for our Technology Class. This class will offer computer skills as well as support in learning to use other forms of technology such as I-Pads, Kindles, smart phones, and so forth. This class will start Wednesday, January 19th at 1:15-2:15. A drop-in session will be available each Thursday at 1:15-2:15 to answer your specific questions, or to have extra time and direction to implement what you are learning. YAH has also received some devices you may use in class time if you are unable to bring yours to class. Let us know if you are interested. See the attached flier for more information. RSVP.
We have also been awarded money from this same Millage to offer Nutritional Cooking Classes. These classes will be offered on the second Monday of each month, starting February 14th, just in time for Valentine’s Day!! We are working out the details with our future instructor. Please let us know if you are interested. Are there specific topics of interest of which you would like us to focus? Topics can include cooking for two, Gutton-free recipes, how to prepare Salmon, cooking with Kale, whatever helps you in your daily health. Stay tuned!!!
Euchre Club is coming back!!! If you like Euchre come join us! On Wednesday, January 26th everyone will be playing for fun. No cash on the line. Games will start at 1:30-4:00. Please RSVP by Monday, January 24th so we can plan teams and spacing accordingly.
Beltone, who conducted the hearing tests for us in early December, has agreed to offer us hearing tests on a quarterly basis starting in 2022. This is a free opportunity to have your hearing tested, as well as help establish a baseline for future testing. It is a great resource! We will keep you posted on the next date in March, 2022.
More offerings are in the Works for February and March!!!! Stay tuned!!! We are also open to any suggestions you would like to offer. We want to provide opportunities that meet your interests and needs. Check out our new website!!! https://youngatheartgr.org/
We are looking forward to an exciting, healthy and safe 2022!!!
New Year Blessings to each of you and your loved ones!
Virginia Scholten
Young at Heart Senior Enrichment Program