Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family,
Winter is here to stay! It is cold and icy! Some of you have sought comfort in warmer climates. But the Young at Heart is still here. If the weather is such that we deem it best to close, we will post the closing on WOOD-TV8/ WOTV as well as TV-13/ WZZM. While we love to have you join us, we ask that you participate at a level that feels safest to you.
This coming Wednesday is expected to be a little milder, so we encourage you to come, make some Valentine Cards, participate in our Exercise Class, Chair Tai Chi or Yoga classes, or try Woodcarving. All of our classes offer the option to wear a mask, or space yourself to feel safe during the country’s health crisis.
Don’t forget to make your RSVP for the Creamy Potato and Bacon Soup and/or Chili lunch, with salad and dessert next week Monday, January 17th! Cost is $5.00. Lunch will be followed by Dice games.
We will start our Technology Class on Wednesday, January 19th at 1:15-2:15. Please note: The drop-in sessions have been moved to Wednesdays also at 2:15-3:15. See the attached flier for the class curriculum.
BirthDay Brunch: Please join us in celebrating January Birthdays on Wednesday, January 19th at 9:30! To help us plan, please make your RSVP for the brunch and games! Menu: mini quiches, fruit salad, and pastries. Cost: $5.00 for those whose birthdays are NOT in January.
More Good News!!! We will be offering two Yoga classes. Chair Yoga will continue on Wednesdays at Noon-1:00. Yoga using mats will be offered on Thursdays at Noon-1:00. See the attached flier for more information. Suggested donation: $3.00
For more information, call the Young at Heart Program at 616.913.4419 or visit our website at: https://youngatheartgr.org/
Warm Blessings,
Virginia Scholten