Its All About You !!

Hello Young at Heart Friends and Family,
YOU are our Successes: 

We had another successful day at selling crafts and reaching out to our neighbors to let them know about the wonderful Young at Heart Family while at the St. Isidore’s Craft Sale this past Saturday! Our crafters brought in another $300.00 to help continue our creative program and keep costs affordable. Thanks goes out to the crafters who have donated their time, talent and treasure, as well as those of you who have donated fabric, wine bottles, supplies and other goodies to YAH. The crafters received several compliments on their merchandise. We will have tables set up for purchases on Monday, November 22nd at our Thanksgiving Luncheon. Next week we will pass along a list of their stock items, prices, along with pictures. Buy Local !!  🙂

We are done with our annual survey. Thanks to all who completed them. We will share the final results once the information is gathered. Upon initial review, I want to say CONGRATULATIONS to ALL of YOU!!!  Countless surveys were returned praising the people who attend YAH. Your friendliness, your kindness, your joy, and the diversity of the programming, were all noted as the number one thing participants like about the Young at Heart. YOU make it all happen! 👏👏👏 (clapping hands.)

Next Week: 

Next Monday, November 8th it’s all about China. Our Chinese luncheon along with the travelogue on China starts at 12:15. Please make sure your RSVP is in by this Friday, November 5th. Cost is $8.00. 
Next week Wednesday starts the two-part series on the Enneagram. This is a tool that is used to help you get to know yourself as well as others better. Once you know yourself better, you can then develop a more meaningful relationship with God and others. This two-week series is simply an introduction to the concept. If there is a large enough interest, Sr. Ann Wolters will offer a more in-depth series in the new year. Let us know if you are interested, even if you are unable to attend. Your interest will help us plan the date and time for the more in-depth series.

Looking Ahead:

Monday, November 15th at 1:00-2:30 we will be hosting Caption Call and Beltone Hearing Specialists. They will be offering a presentation on their services for those who experience hearing loss. They will also be offering an opportunity for you to sign up for a free hearing test. Lunch that day will be pizza, salad and dessert for $5.00.  Please RSVP if you wish to attend. 

Last, but certainly not least, YOU have spoken. The Painting with Watercolors class has asked to be continued for another six week segment! This next series will start Tuesday, November 16th at 10:00-11:30. Cost: Donation only. Do not miss this opportunity. Not only is Betty’s work beautiful, but she is truly an inspirational woman!

You make all the difference.  Keep up the wonderful work!

God’s Blessings, Virginia

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