Autumn Gratitude

While the leaves may be falling, 🍂🍁  we are happy to report, the young at heart are NOT!!!  Sr. Diane Zerfas’ Prayer Series is off to a great start, and we had a comfortable turn-out for the travelogue on India. Tomorrow, with a good Fall forecast, it is off to the color tour and hayride in Fremont!  I am so grateful to share such wonderful resources with others! I am grateful to St. Alphonsus that we have a great space to continue our programs safely during this on-going pandemic. 

🎃Attached is the Calendar of Events for November as well as our schedule for the Walking Club.    Please note: 

  • There will be no Tai Chi classes in November due to the instructor’s vacation plans.   
  • The watercolor class will start another 6-week segment starting November 16th-Dec 21st.  If you missed the first series, no problem. Betty will meet you where you are at in your skill level.  Please call or email to register.

🎃  It is time to sign up and check out Yoga! (Poster attached). I have heard many of you talking about your interest in the class.  Irma will be holding her first class next  Wednesday, October 27th at Noon. Please let us know if you plan to attend so we can find the best place for spacing.

🎃  Lastly, keep your survey responses coming!  (Attached). The more responses the better, as this is YOUR program!  Let us know what YOU want!!!  Young at Heart, thanks you !! 

Autumn Blessings!   🍁🎃🍂


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